🚀SpaceXpanse (ROD)

The SpaceXpanse Multiverse utility coin

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About the coin

What is SpaceXpanse ROD coin?

SpaceXpanse ROD coin is the native cryptocurrency of the SpaceXpanse Multiverse platform. And the ROD blockchain and its core wallet serve as the foundational layer in the platform, providing essential functions such as secure value and data storage, transaction processing, mining, and network connectivity for users to interact with the blockchain network. Additionally, the ROD core wallet serves as a tool for users to manage their ROD holdings and participate in various activities within the platform, further enhancing its utility.

See more about the platform here

About the blockchain

What can SpaceXpanse ROD blockchain do?

✔ Create, store and transact its main cryptocurrency - ROD coin, fungible and nonfungible tokens /NFTs/.

✔ Support two PoW algorithms: neoscrypt-xaya and SHA-256d - for merged mining, generating blocks every 30 seconds in 3 to 1 ratio.

✔ Grant halving the block reward every year for 5 years, then ~3% annual inflation of the block reward for 59 years.

✔ Allow register and transfer of arbitrary names /digital IDs/ for trustless user identification, which can hold and transfer value.

✔ Provide a fair amount of secure data storage in every block, delivering possibility for near real-time communication between the nodes.

✔ Support Atomic trading for exchange of in-game assets (fungible currencies as well as non-fungible items) in a trustless manner.

✔ Possess Play-to-Earn functionality, which allows a part of the block rewards to be "placed" inside a decentralized application /DApp/, where users can pick/win them up and bank them to their on-chain address. /WIP/

See more here

SpaceXpanse ROD

Tech specs

Name: SpaceXpanse
Ticker: ROD
Symbol: Ɍ
Address Letter: R
Address Header: 60
P2SH Header: 75
Port: 11998
RPC Port: 11999
Algorithm: neoscrypt-xaya and SHA-256d, for merged mining - ChainID:1899
Block Reward: 800 ROD¹, halving every 1,054,080 blocks /~1 year/ for 5 years, then imposing ~3% inflation for another 59 years when the supply will reach ~2.5 fold increment from before the start of inflation.
Reward distribution: 75%/25% - 3 neoscrypt-xaya blocks and 1 SHA256d block every 4 blocks.
Block Time: 30 seconds
Spend: 6 confirmations
Block: 120 confirmations
Storage: A name-value database for storing and updating entries in each block. Names can be up to 256 bytes long, values up to 2,048 bytes. The owner of a name has write access to its entry, while anyone can read it.

¹There is a pre-release period of 55560 blocks /around 01.07.2020 11:59PM UTC/ in the beginning, in which the reward will be 1 ROD.


How to get ROD coins?

1. You can mine them SOLO against the SpaceXpanse ROD wallet

In the beginning¹ it was possible to mine them with CPU by using generatetoaddress 100 YOURRODADDRESS 1000000000 in the wallet's console, where 100 is the number of blocks to be generated and 1000000000 is the number of iterations. You can also change the algo by adding sha256d at the end of it.

You can mine ROD solo with the following miners:
NVIDIA Win64 Miner

2. You can mine them at POOL through well known mining software

You can mine ROD at pools with the following miners:
NVIDIA Win64 Miner
AMD Win64 and Linux64 Miner

Pools supporting ROD mining:
Look below for pools which have ROD listed

3. Buying them on cryptocurrency exchanges

Look below for exchanges which have ROD listed

4. Get them for free from faucets on cryptocurrency exchanges

Look below for exchanges which have ROD listed

¹Until difficulty rises enough to be almost impossible to find a block that way.


Coin Distribution

Premine: 199,999,998 coins were in the developer's 3 of 4 multisig address - 1/4 was burned and 2/4 were transferred to time-locked addresses to be unlocked in the next four years¹. The remaining were used to support the first year of development.
Burned: 50 000 001 RODs²
Locked: 100,000,000 RODs³
Current Supply: ~1,310,000,000 RODs
Circulating Supply: ~1,160,000,000 RODs
Total Supply: 4,565,066,364 RODs
Max. Supply: 4,615,066,365 RODs

¹They will be unspendable until target block numbers are reached. The unused coins from the premine will be burned accordingly.
³Locked till block 2108160: XJ42YyhuW1DvckXMedC1qT9VNa9je9gvAG
and block 3162240: XW9bp37dYUnw44o2cEgT33vBXFEKFvWL5d


Utility and Use Cases

Transaction Fees: Every transaction on the ROD blockchain, from transferring ROD or arbitrary name to purchasing in-game assets, incurs a fee paid in ROD.
Name Registration Fees: Every registration of arbitrary name on the ROD blockchain, or creating a digital ID, incurs a fee paid in ROD.
Name Update Fees: Every update of the value of arbitrary name on the ROD blockchain, like sending messages through the Nostr protocol, incurs a fee paid in ROD.
Medium of Exchange: All tokens /fungible and non-fungible/ created on the ROD blockchain, can be traded and/or exchanged against ROD.
Yielding/Staking: Every game/dApp created within the Multiverse platform can implement some form of yielding/staking by using the development tools provided by it.

All these use cases incentivize holding and using RODs while contributing to network stability and security.


Coin Price


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